Can’t View Cameras

Can’t View Cameras

Most viewing issues are simply connectivity problems.

If the touchscreen loses connectivity with the camera while displaying live video, the following message is displayed:

“The system is having trouble connecting to your camera. Press OK to try to reconnect.”

If the issue persists, check the following:

  • Confirm that the camera is powered on and in range of the touchscreen

If you cannot view your camera on your mobile device, follow these troubleshooting steps:

  • Verify that the camera is within range of the controller (Touchscreen or Hub) with nothing interfering with it
  • Move the camera closer to the controller to limit any environmental issues. Remember that environmental issues can change daily. Just because the camera was working without issue yesterday, doesn’t mean something couldn’t be interfering with it today.
  • Reboot the Camera by unplugging the power connection from the back of the camera. Wait 30 seconds, and plug the camera back in. Once the camera restarts, check to see if your camera is visible.
  • Reboot the controller.
    • Reboot my Touchscreen
    • Reboot my Hub
  • If you’re still having issues, verify that you have a good internet connection.
  • If everything above fails, delete the camera from your system, default it to factory default settings, and re-join the camera to your system.