When a HUB comes online from a specific IP address and a request from activation is made from the same IP address, the account and HUB are married automatically. This is call IP Marrying. If the request for activation is made from an IP that is different than the IP…
Managing Your Hub – Rebooting and Diagnostics
You might need to reboot your Hub when your Touchstone system is responding slowly, or when directed by a Customer Support representative. To reboot the hub, click Settings from the toolbar and click on the Hub icon to display the Hub Diagnostics Page.. Click Reboot Hub. Devices that have been paired with…
Managing Your Hub – LEDs
The LEDs on the HUB give you an at a glance overview of what’s happening with your system at that time. They also provide critical troubleshooting information. Familiarizing yourself with the LEDs will allow you to identify potential issues with your system quicker. POWER Off – No…